Thursday, 25 July 2013

Forever Entwined

My friends. It has been too long and there has been far too little in the way of posts from me. For a change, that is not to say there has not been much writing going on... Quite the contrary. I have found renewed fire for the story Inner Flight and Blood Submission (Darklings). The unfortunate part is that Inner Flight is not to be featured on the blog as extensively as The Shining (of which I have not managed to put down more work). As for Blood Submission, I have a brand new co-writer for that one and we are in the throes of planning and structuring the story. Hoping to have something for you sooner rather than later - should my co-writer consent to publishing the new version on the blog.

I can hear you all now: "Nic, when are you going to get a handle on your ADD?" Truth be told, I have no clue. The stories will keep coming though, friends. Don't you worry.

So, today, my dear editor requested I help her with her speech for a wedding she is attending this coming weekend. My help came in the form of a poem. The poem is very raw - it was written in less than 10 minutes and is all my offering to my editor's friends. I hope it adds to the magic of their special day. 

Enough blah blah blah from me. Here is the poem.

Forever Entwined

Playing in a garden of pearls
Hearts' joyous laughter in chorus
One that was two, united
Souls that are forever intertwined 
You are you and you are you
Lives together, blessed anew.
Cherish. Cherish. Cherish.

Some things just feel right when you right them. Some things... I really loved having this poem spill through my fingers and on to the keyboard that speaks the words to my notebook. Sam, this one is for your friends, Avinash and Revasha. May they be blessed.

Thats all from me today. We'll talk again soon, my friends.

Take care of yourselves, till next time.

Nic. Out.

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