Sunday, 7 October 2012


Hello friends. My rantings today are going to be fairly short - I think. 

I bring you a poem! Tribute by name. This piece was written in response to another poem I received from a dear friend who has had a bigger influence on my writing than I think even she realizes  I've had this work for a few months now, and have finally convinced myself to put it up. I am quite interested in your interpretations of this work because I wonder if I managed to get my message across to my dear friend. 

So, please give feedback. The comments section and the email ( are the playgrounds I invite your words and thoughts to play in.

Enough blah blah blah from me.. Here is the poem:


The city slumbers under the iron fist set by darkness.
A wailing, clamant query on the sputtering shadow of the overused candle.

A dissonant exultion of the tiny speck that speaks of a path miraged by the ever-braced darkness.
Beguiling the consumption of the revenant hope that sits poised. Seeking.

The light lingers, screaming cold defiance at creeping night.
Jubilee springs. The forever-orb sets fire to the shadow. A cozy promise to reign eternal on the wick with no end.

And what did we think? I do look forward to hearing what those of you that have been giving constant feedback - and demanding more of The Shining - have to say about this piece.

Take care of yourselves till next time.

Nic. Out.


  1. I like it.. it resounds hope, quite close to the image of a phoenix.. rising from the ashes.. with a new idea in this case..perhaps a new hair do? haha!

    I havn't been following for a little bit & was rather sad to find the discontinued story of your debut story...

    I like you, still no worries :-)

    Keep up the ever transforming work :)

  2. Indeed a beautiful imagery is created of the phoenix but along with it I get a subtle hint of hope, which like the phoenix can not truly be extinguished. Maybe have a look at your use of;"overused candle", try play around with a more human quality such as; fatigue, exhausted, exasperated. Another aspect to take note of is the repetition of the word darkness, maybe give it a more foreboding introduction such as shadowed obscurity for example. Just a little food for thought.
